16 Oct 2017

There are still a few places left for schools to sign-up to Holography Workshops in Central London.
These will be run by the University of Southampton as part of their PHABLAB project.
Holography & the EM Spectrum: Making Holograms
Hands-on workshop in Photonics (laser technology) for KS3 students of all genders. Students will learn about and apply basic light theory to create holograms. They will be working with an experienced team of educators and researchers. Students will learn about Photonics, a key cutting-edge technology, important for solving societal challenges in the 21st Century, such as energy, medicine, telecommunications and manufacturing, in a creative & informal environment.
GCSE Students Wednesday 1 November 2017
10-12pm or 1-3pm.
KS3 Students Friday 3 November 2017
10-12pm or 1-3pm.
Location Green Lab (3Space), Corner of Keeton's & Collett Road, Bermondsey, London SE16 4EE. Booking�E-mail Pearl John: pj@soton.ac.uk